Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article develops theoretical and methodical provisions of internationalization of business. The article contains the results of observations of the process of import substitution and export orientation of the Russian organisations and the views of the authors about the scientific and methodological approaches to development of models and stages of business internationalization at the present stage. The article explains the new sequence of transitional phases at the initial stage of expansion of the domestic markets and entering to international markets.

business internationalization, export and import, import substitution, domestic and international markets
This article develops theoretical and methodical provisions of internationalization of business. The article contains the results of observations of the process of import substitution and export orientation of the Russian organisations and the views of the authors about the scientific and methodological approaches to development of models and stages of business internationalization at the present stage. The article explains the new sequence of transitional phases at the initial stage of expansion of the domestic markets and entering to international markets.

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