Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. In modern conditions of coffee - a product of highly profitable and very attractive for businesses at all stages of its development: from the coffee plantation to the cup of refreshing beverage. The turnover associated with the coffee, take in the statistics of world trade second place, second only to oil, which is a testament to the key role of coffee in the world. Coffee is considered to be one of the symbols of globalization. In connection with this study of the problems and prospects of development of the world coffee market it is relevant. The findings of the study results will complement the existing economic and theoretical concepts in several areas, in particular on the most important player on the world coffee market, identify trends and problems in the coffee market in the world. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the dynamics of the world coffee market, influencing the level of economic welfare of the country The materials and methods. When writing work used the following methods of economic research: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, inductive and deductive methods. Results. The authors analyzed production and growth rates by countries - manufacturers of coffee. Conclusions . Problems encountered in coffee market associated, primarily, with the climate and lack of automation in some regions, growing coffee beans, the quality of grain, poor infrastructure, consumer preference and also with what on the export of coffee is worth a lot of middlemen they have to pay, and, of course, the constant fluctuation of prices. In recent years there has been the problem of consumer fraud with distorted or inaccurate information about the product and the harm pests and diseases affecting coffee trees.

world coffee market, imports, exports, coffee industry
Background. In modern conditions of coffee - a product of highly profitable and very attractive for businesses at all stages of its development: from the coffee plantation to the cup of refreshing beverage. The turnover associated with the coffee, take in the statistics of world trade second place, second only to oil, which is a testament to the key role of coffee in the world. Coffee is considered to be one of the symbols of globalization. In connection with this study of the problems and prospects of development of the world coffee market it is relevant. The findings of the study results will complement the existing economic and theoretical concepts in several areas, in particular on the most important player on the world coffee market, identify trends and problems in the coffee market in the world. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the dynamics of the world coffee market, influencing the level of economic welfare of the country The materials and methods. When writing work used the following methods of economic research: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, inductive and deductive methods. Results. The authors analyzed production and growth rates by countries - manufacturers of coffee. Conclusions. Problems encountered in coffee market associated, primarily, with the climate and lack of automation in some regions, growing coffee beans, the quality of grain, poor infrastructure, consumer preference and also with what on the export of coffee is worth a lot of middlemen they have to pay, and, of course, the constant fluctuation of prices. In recent years there has been the problem of consumer fraud with distorted or inaccurate information about the product and the harm pests and diseases affecting coffee trees.

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