Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
From the data of numerous (~400) field experiments on the study of the efficiency of microfertilizers for sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L.V. sacharifera ), a level of root yield gain of practical significance (30-60 dt/ha) and some zonal features of their application were revealed. It is found that boron fertilizers are most efficient when applied to the soil by the main method under soil-climatic conditions of southern-taiga-forest, forest-steppe, and steppe zones, while the most economic methods of their application are preferred in the dry-steppe and semidesert (under irrigation) zones. An analogous situation is also observed for molybdenum, zinc, and copper fertilizers (except the soils of the steppe and dry-steppe zones). Manganese and cobalt fertilizers are characterized by similar efficiency for all application methods, as well as variation in yield gain among the zones. Microfertilizers increase the sugar content in roots: boron by 0.6-1.3%, molybdenum by 0.5-0.7%, manganese by 0.4-0.8%, and cobalt by 0.4-0.9. Calculations show that the scientifically based application of microfertilizers for sugar beet can provide for at least one million tons of sugar in the existing cultivation areas and even significantly more at their expansion.

microfertilizers, effect on sugar beet yield and quality, zonal features of application, yield gain, sugar yield
From the data of numerous (~400) field experiments on the study of the efficiency of microfertilizers for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.V. sacharifera), a level of root yield gain of practical significance (30-60 dt/ha) and some zonal features of their application were revealed. It is found that boron fertilizers are most efficient when applied to the soil by the main method under soil-climatic conditions of southern-taiga-forest, forest-steppe, and steppe zones, while the most economic methods of their application are preferred in the dry-steppe and semidesert (under irrigation) zones. An analogous situation is also observed for molybdenum, zinc, and copper fertilizers (except the soils of the steppe and dry-steppe zones). Manganese and cobalt fertilizers are characterized by similar efficiency for all application methods, as well as variation in yield gain among the zones. Microfertilizers increase the sugar content in roots: boron by 0.6-1.3%, molybdenum by 0.5-0.7%, manganese by 0.4-0.8%, and cobalt by 0.4-0.9. Calculations show that the scientifically based application of microfertilizers for sugar beet can provide for at least one million tons of sugar in the existing cultivation areas and even significantly more at their expansion.

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