Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. Import substitution opens up new opportunities for developing domestic markets and requires the development of scientific approaches to the management of the sales activities of organizations based on the study of internal and external factors affecting the competitiveness of products, its renewal in connection with the reduction of the life cycle, a pronounced influence on marketing decisions within the market Economy. The purpose of this article is to justify a principled model of sales activity as an important component of the product and sales system, based on sales promotion activities, depending on the stages of the life cycle. Materials and methods . The implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of an analysis of scientific literature and the experience of Russian and foreign companies. Methodological potential includes the following research methods: theoretical analysis, observation, logical, method of interrogation. Results. The features of marketing activities in the context of import substitution are examined and the necessity of marketing activity research not in isolation but in the framework of the product and sales system based on product management and product life cycle phases as a necessary condition for the organization's adaptation to changes caused by competition is proved. Conclusions . Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the improvement and continuous updating of the methods and technologies of the marketing management of organizations, developed by the theory and practice of entrepreneurship, serves as a response to changes in the external environment. The study of the management of the results of the sale of products through the stages of the life cycle is the least studied area in the field of management of marketing activities and needs further development in the scientific, theoretical and practical terms.

marketing activities, management, import substitution, organization, product life cycle, product management
Background. Import substitution opens up new opportunities for developing domestic markets and requires the development of scientific approaches to the management of the sales activities of organizations based on the study of internal and external factors affecting the competitiveness of products, its renewal in connection with the reduction of the life cycle, a pronounced influence on marketing decisions within the market Economy. The purpose of this article is to justify a principled model of sales activity as an important component of the product and sales system, based on sales promotion activities, depending on the stages of the life cycle. Materials and methods. The implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of an analysis of scientific literature and the experience of Russian and foreign companies. Methodological potential includes the following research methods: theoretical analysis, observation, logical, method of interrogation. Results. The features of marketing activities in the context of import substitution are examined and the necessity of marketing activity research not in isolation but in the framework of the product and sales system based on product management and product life cycle phases as a necessary condition for the organization's adaptation to changes caused by competition is proved. Conclusions. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the improvement and continuous updating of the methods and technologies of the marketing management of organizations, developed by the theory and practice of entrepreneurship, serves as a response to changes in the external environment. The study of the management of the results of the sale of products through the stages of the life cycle is the least studied area in the field of management of marketing activities and needs further development in the scientific, theoretical and practical terms.

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