Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In current times vocational education organizations face problems of attracting enrollees and meeting their educational needs as well as meeting the demand of the labor market. The solution of these problems is possible both in the context of career orientation work and in the course of marketing activities. The analysis carried out by the authors showed that the functions and tasks of these types of activities largely coincide. This led to the conclusion that it is necessary to integrate vocational guidance and marketing components of the activities of professional vocational organizations, which will increase their effectiveness through synergistic effect. In conclusion, the authors outline directions for further research on this problem.

the market of educational services, vocational education, marketing, career orientation, career orientation work, integration
In current times vocational education organizations face problems of attracting enrollees and meeting their educational needs as well as meeting the demand of the labor market. The solution of these problems is possible both in the context of career orientation work and in the course of marketing activities. The analysis carried out by the authors showed that the functions and tasks of these types of activities largely coincide. This led to the conclusion that it is necessary to integrate vocational guidance and marketing components of the activities of professional vocational organizations, which will increase their effectiveness through synergistic effect. In conclusion, the authors outline directions for further research on this problem.

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