Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It was stated that the management concerning of social groups and subsocieties absolutly necessary identification of their behavioral patterns. It is shown that an essential component of this model is the identification of a purpose oriented and prohibit localized subsociety. Reveals system interpretation of his own vision of social responsibility that subsociety through his purposes and prohibitions. As a demonstration of application development provides a rationale for the assertion that, despite the relatively high interest in active participation in the life of society, considered subsociety demonstrate a low level of activity in the aspect of socio-political activities.

social responsibility, youth, social policy, behavioral model
It was stated that the management concerning of social groups and subsocieties absolutly necessary identification of their behavioral patterns. It is shown that an essential component of this model is the identification of a purpose oriented and prohibit localized subsociety. Reveals system interpretation of his own vision of social responsibility that subsociety through his purposes and prohibitions. As a demonstration of application development provides a rationale for the assertion that, despite the relatively high interest in active participation in the life of society, considered subsociety demonstrate a low level of activity in the aspect of socio-political activities.

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