Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the theory of generations Howe-Strauss, adapted by E. Shamis. Examines the characteristics and basic value orientation of different generations: Greatest generation, Silent generation, generation baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, the main emphasis is on the study of the peculiarities of gen Z. the Selection of the characteristic features of this generation has allowed to identify the main teaching methods are most effective for working with today's youth: using multimedia equipment, video, gamification, the tasks of exploratory nature, the small group discussions.

generational theory, generation Z, today's youth, values, educational technology, and teaching methods
The article deals with the theory of generations Howe-Strauss, adapted by E. Shamis. Examines the characteristics and basic value orientation of different generations: Greatest generation, Silent generation, generation baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, the main emphasis is on the study of the peculiarities of gen Z. the Selection of the characteristic features of this generation has allowed to identify the main teaching methods are most effective for working with today's youth: using multimedia equipment, video, gamification, the tasks of exploratory nature, the small group discussions.

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