Russian Federation
The presence and extent of the intensity, measured in percent (0% - 100%) in the search distribution of Yandex in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg (Intent is the task that the user means when searching on demand) is determined in the work. Requests in Moscow are defined as the most commercial. As the queries investigated, general query masks were selected: "pizza", "sushi", "rolls" and analyzed according to the following parameters: the degree of commercialization of the issue on demand - the share of commercial results in the issue for the queries being checked; the proportion of search results among the reviews; photo and video materials; dictionaries and glossaries; music; travels; words that define the subject matter of the results of the issue on the search query being researched. Based on the received data, you can determine which requests are most useful for setting up contextual advertising. If commercial phrases are important for increasing sales, the low commercialization rate of search results indicates that the request is not targeted.
intent, search query, contextual advertising, Internet marketing
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5. Chto takoe intent i kak ispol'zovat' instrument dlya opredeleniya intenta pol'zovatelya po zaprosu?