Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agricultural cooperation is a promising direction in the development of the agrarian economy. For the regional agro-industrial complex, an important role is played by cooperation in the dairy subcomplex. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study its specifics and problems with a view to improving the efficiency of production and processing of milk. On the basis of system analysis and monographic method, specific organizational, economic, production features of the dairy subcomplex of the agroindustrial complex are revealed. As a result, problems that prevent the successful development of the dairy subcomplex have been identified and analyzed.

features of dairy cooperation, dairy cattle breeding, production of milk and dairy products, sales of milk and dairy products
Agricultural cooperation is a promising direction in the development of the agrarian economy. For the regional agro-industrial complex, an important role is played by cooperation in the dairy subcomplex. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study its specifics and problems with a view to improving the efficiency of production and processing of milk. On the basis of system analysis and monographic method, specific organizational, economic, production features of the dairy subcomplex of the agroindustrial complex are revealed. As a result, problems that prevent the successful development of the dairy subcomplex have been identified and analyzed.

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