Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Traditional society was stable enough since it was dominated by the relationship between people, interests of society and communities, and personal interests have often been subordinated to them, it was an effective sense of duty to the inner circle, family, community, state, in the last half century, when developed countries had already formed a new, global, society, consumer society, is at the forefront of the material interests of every individual, when everyone is concerned about his own prosperity and the circle of those who should be, is narrowed to the family. Globalization leads to the disintegration of relationships between people, in this case we can talk about the atomization of society. In consumer society, the chief value criterion is the level of each material. Public interest retreat in the face of personal. Man remains alone, lost connection with the social group. This reinforces the criminality of society erased a bounding box that increases the number of alcoholics.

society, the state, civil society, political activism, globalization
Traditional society was stable enough since it was dominated by the relationship between people, interests of society and communities, and personal interests have often been subordinated to them, it was an effective sense of duty to the inner circle, family, community, state, in the last half century, when developed countries had already formed a new, global, society, consumer society, is at the forefront of the material interests of every individual, when everyone is concerned about his own prosperity and the circle of those who should be, is narrowed to the family. Globalization leads to the disintegration of relationships between people, in this case we can talk about the atomization of society. In consumer society, the chief value criterion is the level of each material. Public interest retreat in the face of personal. Man remains alone, lost connection with the social group. This reinforces the criminality of society erased a bounding box that increases the number of alcoholics.

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