Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article the review of types of aggression in human resource management is carried out. Different forms of aggression are considered: hostile, tool, negative and positive, constructive and not constructive, malignant and good-quality and also types of aggression: open and hidden, initiative and defensive; involuntary (casual) and any (purposeful); physical and verbal, direct and indirect. The difference between the concepts "aggression", "aggressive behaviour" and "aggression" is carried out, theories of inclination (instincts), theories of frustration, the theory of social learning, the motivational theory and cognitive approach are considered.

aggression, aggression in human resources management, aggressive behavior, aggressiveness, psychology, behavior
In article the review of types of aggression in human resource management is carried out. Different forms of aggression are considered: hostile, tool, negative and positive, constructive and not constructive, malignant and good-quality and also types of aggression: open and hidden, initiative and defensive; involuntary (casual) and any (purposeful); physical and verbal, direct and indirect. The difference between the concepts "aggression", "aggressive behaviour" and "aggression" is carried out, theories of inclination (instincts), theories of frustration, the theory of social learning, the motivational theory and cognitive approach are considered.

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