Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article deals with an urgent issue for Russian companies at the present stage of functioning - the issue of forming a personnel reserve. The article presents an analysis of key approaches to the terminological and substantive component of the issue under study. The authors clarified the significant merits of the formation of the personnel reserve. Identified and disclosed the problems that arise in companies in the formation of the personnel reserve; The highlighted problems are accompanied in the article by examples. The article defines the role actions of the company's head in the process of forming the personnel reserve. The authors have received answers to such problematic issues as: modern conditions and factors affecting the personnel reserve, the purpose of formation, the actions of the manager and employees not included in the company's reserve pool. The results of the research will allow us to "look" at the question of forming the personnel reserve on the new side. Given the current problems and issues facing Russian companies now.
personnel, personnel reserve, formation of the personnel reserve, qualified staff
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