Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Over the 20 years of the formation of a modern registration and registration system of real estate in the Russian Federation, the list of its objects has changed significantly. With the entry into force of the Law «On state registration of real estate» to objects of the unified state register of real estate in terms of maintaining the real estate cadastre (real estate register), such objects as parking places were added. Until 01.01.2017 the legislation did not define the concept, nor did it recognize the car place as an independent real estate object. However, based on the analysis of existing practice and problems arising in the issues related to the registration of car places by the authors, it is concluded that such changes have matured long ago and were necessary to streamline civil property turnover. However, even after the introduction of car places, a number of unresolved issues remain in the composition of real estate. The peculiarities of the formation and preparation of cadastral documentation for machine places with the purpose of their statement on the state cadastral accounting are considered, the related problems and the analysis of the practice of cadastral engineers in this matter are analyzed. Various cases of the formation of this real estate object and documents-grounds for the preparation of technical plans are considered. The practice of the activity of the cadastral registration body in Ekaterinburg for the past period and the dynamics of the statement on the state cadastral registration and state registration of the rights to the parking places are analyzed. The largest share (more than 70%) accounted for the newly created parking space, with the division of this figure is slightly more than 20% and 10% in the formation of the machine-place, due to this way of education as a division. An important task is the development of a special XML-scheme, which will remove a number of emerging problems and improve the efficiency and quality of maintaining a unified state register of real estate.
parking lot, parking space, room, cadastre and registration of rights
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