Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of the reasons and justification for the increase in VAT from 18% to 20% in the Russian Federation from January 1, 2019. Analyzing the possibilities The article is based on publications on this topic by Russian researchers and materials of their own research conducted by the authors, the main methods of which was a survey, in 2016-2018, in which 1,963 students from 14 universities in Yekaterinburg were surveyed. We consider the modern features of the phenomenon of "working students", the role of combining study and work of students in the formation of their competencies that are important for mastering the profession and in the process of employment after graduation. Competences are divided into two groups: professional and general skills, important for work, i.e. general labor. The conclusions are made on the basis of the prevalence of students' work, the connection of their academic and labor specializations, the understanding by the students themselves of the role of work for better mastery of the profession and post-graduate employment. Another problem is affected. This is the attitude of universities, administration and teachers to this category of students and to the phenomenon of "working student" in general. It emphasizes the objective need for universities to promote this phenomenon, due to the positive impact of the work of students during their studies on their post-graduate employment, which is favorable for the success of the university state accreditation and, ultimately, for the ranking of universities. Some sentences are formulated to make it easier for students to make this combination.

primary and secondary employment of students, professional and general labor competences, motives of secondary employment of students, post-graduate employment, labor potential of the population
The article is devoted to the analysis of the reasons and justification for the increase in VAT from 18% to 20% in the Russian Federation from January 1, 2019. Analyzing the possibilities The article is based on publications on this topic by Russian researchers and materials of their own research conducted by the authors, the main methods of which was a survey, in 2016-2018, in which 1,963 students from 14 universities in Yekaterinburg were surveyed. We consider the modern features of the phenomenon of "working students", the role of combining study and work of students in the formation of their competencies that are important for mastering the profession and in the process of employment after graduation. Competences are divided into two groups: professional and general skills, important for work, i.e. general labor. The conclusions are made on the basis of the prevalence of students' work, the connection of their academic and labor specializations, the understanding by the students themselves of the role of work for better mastery of the profession and post-graduate employment. Another problem is affected. This is the attitude of universities, administration and teachers to this category of students and to the phenomenon of "working student" in general. It emphasizes the objective need for universities to promote this phenomenon, due to the positive impact of the work of students during their studies on their post-graduate employment, which is favorable for the success of the university state accreditation and, ultimately, for the ranking of universities. Some sentences are formulated to make it easier for students to make this combination.

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