Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the work is to focus on the need not only a thorough survey of unfinished construction projects at the stage of project development on their completion and timely registration of permits for changes in the project in the implementation of construction, but also careful storage of project documentation unfinished construction projects. The situation of completion of the object, previously unfinished construction, in which these conditions were not met, which led to the emergence of both additional costs, not provided for by the project of completion of the object, and legal problems associated with their financing, is considered in practice. On the example of the object chosen for the analysis of unfinished construction, the possible ways out of the current situation are analyzed and the values of material and time costs necessary to overcome it are estimated. On the basis of the study developed proposals for the organization of work at the design and construction stage, to avoid such situations.

construction, objects of incomplete construction, project documentation, estimated cost, technical supervision of osushestvleniya construction, performance discipline
The purpose of the work is to focus on the need not only a thorough survey of unfinished construction projects at the stage of project development on their completion and timely registration of permits for changes in the project in the implementation of construction, but also careful storage of project documentation unfinished construction projects. The situation of completion of the object, previously unfinished construction, in which these conditions were not met, which led to the emergence of both additional costs, not provided for by the project of completion of the object, and legal problems associated with their financing, is considered in practice. On the example of the object chosen for the analysis of unfinished construction, the possible ways out of the current situation are analyzed and the values of material and time costs necessary to overcome it are estimated. On the basis of the study developed proposals for the organization of work at the design and construction stage, to avoid such situations.

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