Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the authors elaborate the project of "Parsimonious telemedicine", which is ready to be introduced into the everyday routine of Moscow healthcare institutions. It is showed that given the conditions of diffusion of the digital technologies in the area of healthcare of the Russian Federation, the use of hybrid forms of the medical staff time management becomes currently important. However, in the modern conditions the legal basis providing regulation for the relations in the area of the medical staff time management is not set on the flexible forms of labour schedule. The authors elaborated proposals on improvement of the labour legislation in order to introduce the project of "Parsimonious telemedicine" into the healthcare area of the city of Moscow.

parsimonious telemedicine, working time, labour legislation, digital technologies, hybrid forms of time management
In this article the authors elaborate the project of "Parsimonious telemedicine", which is ready to be introduced into the everyday routine of Moscow healthcare institutions. It is showed that given the conditions of diffusion of the digital technologies in the area of healthcare of the Russian Federation, the use of hybrid forms of the medical staff time management becomes currently important. However, in the modern conditions the legal basis providing regulation for the relations in the area of the medical staff time management is not set on the flexible forms of labour schedule. The authors elaborated proposals on improvement of the labour legislation in order to introduce the project of "Parsimonious telemedicine" into the healthcare area of the city of Moscow.

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