Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the topical issue in the modern economic situation, about the necessity of noosphere and ecological education in the period of formation of the digital Economy of the Russian Federation. The general review of Practice introduction Noosphere Formation and theory noosferogenesis in educational institutions urfo. He concludes that Noosphere education in all the institutions of the general education system of the URFO is not possible yet, as the theoretical and methodological basis of its foundation has not been developed yet. The results of the work are that the author proposed the main directions of education, having a noosphere orientation. The article, can be used as managers, employees, postgraduate students, undergraduates of the system of higher and general education, for modernization of educational process. The materials presented in the article will be of interest to politicians, economists and ecologists, all who are interested in questions of noosphere education and ecological culture during the period of digital economy formation.

Digital economy, ecological culture, society, System of higher and general education, Biosphere, Noosphere, co-evolutionary development, noosphere education
The article is devoted to the topical issue in the modern economic situation, about the necessity of noosphere and ecological education in the period of formation of the digital Economy of the Russian Federation. The general review of Practice introduction Noosphere Formation and theory noosferogenesis in educational institutions urfo. He concludes that Noosphere education in all the institutions of the general education system of the URFO is not possible yet, as the theoretical and methodological basis of its foundation has not been developed yet. The results of the work are that the author proposed the main directions of education, having a noosphere orientation. The article, can be used as managers, employees, postgraduate students, undergraduates of the system of higher and general education, for modernization of educational process. The materials presented in the article will be of interest to politicians, economists and ecologists, all who are interested in questions of noosphere education and ecological culture during the period of digital economy formation.

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5. Nazarova S.N. Formirovanie ekologicheskogo soznaniya mladshih shkol'nikov (Rossiyskaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka) [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

6. Sikorskaya G. P. Noosfernoe obrazovanie: teoriya i praktika [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

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