Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Various approaches to the organization of monitoring of the economic environment in construction organizations are considered. The role and tasks of monitoring in management of production activity of the construction organizations are shown. The organizational structure of monitoring service of the large construction organization is given. The methods of monitoring the economic environment of General purpose and monitoring the state of competitors of the construction organization in different market segments are proposed. The technique of an assessment of efficiency of monitoring of the economic environment for determination of expediency of its creation in the construction organization is considered.

economic environment, construction organization, monitoring, production activities, unstable operating conditions
Various approaches to the organization of monitoring of the economic environment in construction organizations are considered. The role and tasks of monitoring in management of production activity of the construction organizations are shown. The organizational structure of monitoring service of the large construction organization is given. The methods of monitoring the economic environment of General purpose and monitoring the state of competitors of the construction organization in different market segments are proposed. The technique of an assessment of efficiency of monitoring of the economic environment for determination of expediency of its creation in the construction organization is considered.

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