Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research assumes theoretical justification and development of organizational and methodical offers on formation of a system of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry on the basis of professional standards. During the research the main features of the system of performance appraisal are considered, current trends of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry are studied, domestic and foreign experience of application of professional standards in the system of performance appraisal of the organizations is studied, strategic requirements to formation of a system of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry on the basis of professional standards are formulated, the performance appraisal technique with use of professional standards and profiles of competences is developed. The developed technique is approved in SC "Information satellite systems" named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. In the course of work methods of the logical analysis, classification (in particular decomposition), the morphological analysis, expert assessment were used.

space-rocket industry, performance appraisal, professional standard, human resource management
The research assumes theoretical justification and development of organizational and methodical offers on formation of a system of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry on the basis of professional standards. During the research the main features of the system of performance appraisal are considered, current trends of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry are studied, domestic and foreign experience of application of professional standards in the system of performance appraisal of the organizations is studied, strategic requirements to formation of a system of performance appraisal of the enterprises of the space-rocket industry on the basis of professional standards are formulated, the performance appraisal technique with use of professional standards and profiles of competences is developed. The developed technique is approved in SC "Information satellite systems" named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. In the course of work methods of the logical analysis, classification (in particular decomposition), the morphological analysis, expert assessment were used.

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