Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on economic operators with fuzzy properties. Based on some fuzzy market evaluations, the excess demand function is analyzed. A modification of the Walrasian dynamic model of a single commodity market is presented. Based on this and the predefined clear model, interval estimations of the equilibrium point for the model in question are derived. For the equilibrium point, the conditions of its stability are determined. They are represented as a system of inequalities for the model's parameters. Additionally, the equality is proved between the solvability of some boundary value problem and the classic Walrasian dynamic model of a single commodity market. In the latter, supply price adjustment coefficients are considered constant for constants, while demand price is derived with the piecewise constant lag of supply price taken into consideration. An approximate solution to the aforementioned boundary value problem is presented. The results concerning the equality between the boundary value problem and the market model are applied to the modified interval model. The problem of the w-fold change in commodity price by the specified moment is formulated and solved.

single commodity market, equilibrium point, demand function, boundary value problem, interval estimations
The article focuses on economic operators with fuzzy properties. Based on some fuzzy market evaluations, the excess demand function is analyzed. A modification of the Walrasian dynamic model of a single commodity market is presented. Based on this and the predefined clear model, interval estimations of the equilibrium point for the model in question are derived. For the equilibrium point, the conditions of its stability are determined. They are represented as a system of inequalities for the model's parameters. Additionally, the equality is proved between the solvability of some boundary value problem and the classic Walrasian dynamic model of a single commodity market. In the latter, supply price adjustment coefficients are considered constant for constants, while demand price is derived with the piecewise constant lag of supply price taken into consideration. An approximate solution to the aforementioned boundary value problem is presented. The results concerning the equality between the boundary value problem and the market model are applied to the modified interval model. The problem of the w-fold change in commodity price by the specified moment is formulated and solved.

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