Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses current issues of the application of technologies based on artificial intelligence models in the field of human resource management in the digital economy era. The purpose of this study is to analyze the practice of introducing artificial intelligence in the process of managing personnel organizations, in order to optimize the financial resources of the organization. The article provides examples of the use of special programs for working with personnel at different stages of the personnel cycle, from searching and attracting candidates to training and consulting employees of an organization, and their cost-effectiveness is given. The conclusions of the article consider the key areas of application of artificial intelligence technologies in a digital economy.

digital economy, personnel management technologies, personnel, human resource management, artificial intelligence, chat bots, robot recruiter
The article discusses current issues of the application of technologies based on artificial intelligence models in the field of human resource management in the digital economy era. The purpose of this study is to analyze the practice of introducing artificial intelligence in the process of managing personnel organizations, in order to optimize the financial resources of the organization. The article provides examples of the use of special programs for working with personnel at different stages of the personnel cycle, from searching and attracting candidates to training and consulting employees of an organization, and their cost-effectiveness is given. The conclusions of the article consider the key areas of application of artificial intelligence technologies in a digital economy.

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