Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses issues related to the development of the intelligent systems in the informational-analytical centersin the conditions of Russian society digitalization. The definitions of the “intellectual system” from the Russian and foreign sources is listed and briefly analyzed. The role and place of intelligent systems (IS) in informational-analytical (situation) centers (IA(S)C)are provided. The idea of IA(S)C as a cognitive “core” of an intellectual organization (IO) is presented. The basic principles of building the IO and the main goals of the IA(S)C centersare considered. The approach to IS IA(S)C models system creation is proposed. The algorithm and a brief description of the DSMmethod of plausible reasoning as one of the main models in IS IA(S)C is presented. The method of abduction in the modern interpretation is briefly analyzed and the direction of its development and use in the DSM method by the intellectualization of the CSR-rules for finding causes is proposed.

) (H&AI)R, intelligent system, informational-analytical (situation) center, digital economy, digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI), human resources (HR), DSM method, models system, human and artificial intelligence resources (H&AI)R
This article discusses issues related to the development of the intelligent systems in the informational-analytical centersin the conditions of Russian society digitalization. The definitions of the “intellectual system” from the Russian and foreign sources is listed and briefly analyzed. The role and place of intelligent systems (IS) in informational-analytical (situation) centers (IA(S)C)are provided. The idea of IA(S)C as a cognitive “core” of an intellectual organization (IO) is presented. The basic principles of building the IO and the main goals of the IA(S)C centersare considered. The approach to IS IA(S)C models system creation is proposed. The algorithm and a brief description of the DSMmethod of plausible reasoning as one of the main models in IS IA(S)C is presented. The method of abduction in the modern interpretation is briefly analyzed and the direction of its development and use in the DSM method by the intellectualization of the CSR-rules for finding causes is proposed.

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