Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with issues related to the development of the organizational and socio-economic mechanisms of the management system of a modern (intellectual) organization. The definitions of organizational and social-economic mechanisms of the organization's management system are given. The role and place of the intellectual organizations in the VUCA world are determined. The principles (conditions) of creating intellectual organizations are considered. The use of IT platforms as the “core” of the management system of modern business organizations in the digital economy. Analyzed issues related to the organization of teamwork in intellectual organizations. The article discusses the problems associated with the development of creativity in intelligent organizations with the help of TF teams, provides algorithms for managing creativity in real time.

organizational and socio-economic mechanisms, intellectual organization, creative management, teamwork management, creativity control algorithms, organizations in the VUCA-world
The article deals with issues related to the development of the organizational and socio-economic mechanisms of the management system of a modern (intellectual) organization. The definitions of organizational and social-economic mechanisms of the organization's management system are given. The role and place of the intellectual organizations in the VUCA world are determined. The principles (conditions) of creating intellectual organizations are considered. The use of IT platforms as the “core” of the management system of modern business organizations in the digital economy. Analyzed issues related to the organization of teamwork in intellectual organizations. The article discusses the problems associated with the development of creativity in intelligent organizations with the help of TF teams, provides algorithms for managing creativity in real time.

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