Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the modern practice of pricing pawnshops, including such factors as the elasticity of demand for borrowed funds, the cost and availability of loan capital, market conditions, legal restrictions and the stage of the life cycle of services and the market. The approaches to pricing in terms of homogeneity of the product and the features of doing offline business are considered. The used price strategies are systematized, the conditions of their applicability for participants of different levels are indicated. Examples, methods and influence of price wars on the market as a whole are given.

pawnshop, microfinance, pricing strategies, pricing, total cost of credit, price competition, interest rates
The article deals with the modern practice of pricing pawnshops, including such factors as the elasticity of demand for borrowed funds, the cost and availability of loan capital, market conditions, legal restrictions and the stage of the life cycle of services and the market. The approaches to pricing in terms of homogeneity of the product and the features of doing offline business are considered. The used price strategies are systematized, the conditions of their applicability for participants of different levels are indicated. Examples, methods and influence of price wars on the market as a whole are given.

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