Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the development of methodological approaches in the framework of the concession development model. The article discusses the regulatory framework of concession development. ” Analyzed the concession models, which are divided into investment and operating. Investment concessions (including BTO, BOOT, ROT, BOLT, BOO, etc.) provide for the creation of a new infrastructure facility at the expense of the concessionaire. Operational concessions include models of the ROT type ("restoration - operation - transfer") and AOT ("technical reconstruction and expansion of the object - operation - transfer"), in which the grantor transfers to the concessionaire an existing object for its reconstruction, technical re-equipment or expansion, subsequent operation of the restored object by the concessionaire and return upon expiration of the concession term to the grantor.

development, concession development, real estate, relationship agreements, public-private partnership
The article deals with the development of methodological approaches in the framework of the concession development model. The article discusses the regulatory framework of concession development. ” Analyzed the concession models, which are divided into investment and operating. Investment concessions (including BTO, BOOT, ROT, BOLT, BOO, etc.) provide for the creation of a new infrastructure facility at the expense of the concessionaire. Operational concessions include models of the ROT type ("restoration - operation - transfer") and AOT ("technical reconstruction and expansion of the object - operation - transfer"), in which the grantor transfers to the concessionaire an existing object for its reconstruction, technical re-equipment or expansion, subsequent operation of the restored object by the concessionaire and return upon expiration of the concession term to the grantor.

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