Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main properties and features of agrotechnoparks as objects of the land management in modern conditions. The main approaches to the interpretation of the term “agrotechnopark” are described. The organizational, territorial and technological features of the agrotechnopark have been identified. The target positions for considering an agrotechnopark for carrying out land management work have been specified: 1) a cluster producing an innovative product in a special field of activity; 2) a special-purpose territory that has a volumetric principle of describing the useful surface; 3) a laboratory with a special organization of research space. The properties of an agrotechnopark are deciphered, imposing restrictions and serving as the basis for target designation within the framework of the land management process. It is shown that when preparing land management measures, the following characteristics of an agrotechnopark must be taken into account: organization of the territory for the concentration of specialized innovations; a place for consolidation of efforts and cooperation; infrastructure and resources; education and training; support and provision; sustainable development. The main stages of the land management process in agrotechnoparks are described

agrotechnopark, land management process, territorial organization of the innovation process, innovations in agriculture, innovative interaction
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