Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The scientific article contains a theoretical analysis of development problems and a review of scientific literature on increasing the efficiency of food production in the agricultural sector of the economy, shows the importance of quality control of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products on the food market, pays special attention to the recipe in accordance with the requirements of modern dietetics, and takes into account factors that increase efficiency, trends in the development of the market for semi-finished products in the Russian Federation are indicated. The reasons for the demand for semi-finished products are revealed, and the seasonality of their production is noted. The production volume of dumplings per year, per shift, per hour is calculated. A method for determining the market share of semi-finished products and a method for determining the cost of minced meat ingredients and dough for preparing dumplings are shown. The calculation of the cost of packaging dumplings, taking into account the sticker and clip, is presented. It has been determined that the share of dumplings produced in 0.5 kilogram packages is 40 percent, and the share of dumplings produced in one kilogram package is 60 percent. Contains a calculation of the cost of one kilogram of dumplings and the cost structure. It was revealed that in the structure of costs for the production of dumplings, the largest share is occupied by the cost of minced meat, and the smallest share is the cost of electricity. The financial result of the sale of dumplings was calculated and the profit from the sale of dumplings was indicated. The level of profitability indicates that for every ruble invested in the production and sale of dumplings in one kilogram packaging there is thirty-seven kopecks of profit, and in the production and sale of dumplings in 0.5 kilogram packaging - forty-seven kopecks.

agro-industrial complex, food industry, production of dumplings, semi-finished products market, economic efficiency, cost price, production costs, selling costs
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