Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The scientific article makes a theoretical review of domestic literature on the problems of increasing the efficiency of food production in agro-industrial production, analyzes the market for agricultural products in conditions of import substitution, pays special attention to the integral efficiency of resource use, organization of infrastructure, considers the problems of ensuring the competitiveness of agro-industrial production in conditions of participation in economic associations. The stages of the technological process for the production of dumplings are revealed, from receiving raw materials and preparing them for use to packaging and selling dumplings. Options for grading when trimming beef and pork meat are presented, while the highest grade of meat assumes the absence of visible inclusions of fatty and connective tissue. A calculation was made of the operating time of equipment for the production of dumplings in the context of each technological operation, taking into account the planned volume of processing and the standard operating hours and productivity of the equipment. The energy consumption, depending on the operating time of the equipment, was determined, and the energy costs were calculated. The costs for the production of dumplings have been grouped, taking into account certain energy costs. The amount of costs is shown in terms of costs per kilogram of dumplings and for the entire planned production in accordance with the production program. The structure of production costs has been determined, in which the largest share is occupied by the costs of raw materials, and the smallest share belongs to the costs of electricity used for production needs. An assessment was made of the economic efficiency of dumpling production: the cost of one kilogram of dumplings, profit, and profitability of the product were determined.

agro-industrial complex, production efficiency, production of dumplings, cost price, cost structure, profit, profitability, technological process
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