Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article conducts research into the formation of students' ecological maturity in the educational process. The results of a survey of students, graduates and teachers are presented. The survey was conducted from February to April 2023, primarily online, and resulted in a very significant response rate, with respondents returning 460 questionnaires. The general analysis is presented at two levels: analysis by groups of respondents and analysis by variables (indicators). The analysis by group will present the results separately for each of the 4 groups (teachers, graduates and employers), showing in each case what the representatives of these groups considered most and least important, as well as how they assess the degree of achievement of these competencies. The differences between degree of importance and degree of achievement are also analyzed to clarify what should be considered in the future. At the second level, an analysis was carried out according to three parameters (importance, level of achievement and ranking), which will make it possible to see responses regarding variables in a comparative perspective between groups, highlighting the degree of correlation between them. The obtained questionnaire data made it possible to assess the degree of importance and level of mastery of knowledge and skills of environmental competence.

competence, environmental competence, assessment of the development of environmental competence
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