Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of research on the dynamics of vegetable growing in the Central Asian Republic. Year-round provision of the country's population with vegetable products is an important task of the state. A key role in its implementation is assigned to domestic vegetable production, which avoids dependence on imported suppliers of vegetable products and ensures the country's food security for these products. In order to make managerial decisions on the development of vegetable growing, it is necessary to have information about the dynamics of changes in indicators characterizing the state of the industry both in open and closed ground in the context of the regions that are part of the macro-regions. It was found that the supply of vegetables to the population of the Central Asian Republic in comparison with the indicator of the recommended norm in 2022 is at the level of 77.1%. By categories of farms, there is an increase in the production of open–ground vegetables only in agricultural organizations - by 34.2%, in other categories there is a decrease in production: by 13.6% in peasant (farm) farms and by 18.4% in households of the population. In the production of indoor vegetables by categories of farms, the increase in production is as follows: in agricultural organizations - by 54.6%, in peasant (farm) farms - by 26.1%, in households - by 1.5%. During the period under review, the acreage of indoor vegetables increased in the CDR by 75.4%, and the acreage of outdoor vegetables decreased by 17.1%. The yield of outdoor and indoor vegetables in the CDR increased by 74.1% and 2.7%, respectively. The analysis made it possible to determine the dynamics of the development of indoor and outdoor vegetable growing in each of the regions of the Central Park, the impact of each of the cultivation methods on the total production of vegetables, as well as to identify the areas of the Central Park with the lowest and highest values of indicators characterizing the development of the industry. In addition, the methods of organizing vegetable production at vegetable-growing enterprises of the Central Asian regions are considered.

closed-ground vegetable growing, open-ground vegetable growing, vegetable yield, greenhouse area, sown areas of open-ground vegetables, vegetable growing enterprises of the Central Park
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