UDK 339.13 Рынок. Анализ рынка. Спрос. Предложение. Конкуренция. Маркетинг
UDK 637.5 Мясо и мясные продукты (пищевые)
At the present stage of the development of economic relations, the growth in the production of basic types of meat is one of the fundamental factors in ensuring the country's food security. A significant aspect of the further development of the industry is the orientation of production to the needs of the main target groups of consumers, which, taking into account the development of the external environment, have significantly transformed over the past decades. This scientific paper presents the results of a study of target groups of consumers of meat and meat products in a number of large cities of Russia, the purpose of which was to determine the main trends in the development of consumer preferences when buying meat and meat products, as well as to identify the main parameters of product selection. Based on the analysis of the research results, the main trends of consumer behavior in relation to the choice of food products, in particular meat and meat products, preferred types of meat, priority criteria for product selection are determined. The study pays special attention to the risk factors when eating meat and meat products in comparison with the main trend of "healthy eating", which is undoubtedly a significant aspect of the transformation of consumer behavior when choosing meat and meat products. The main conclusions of the article are focused on the purpose of this study, in particular, the serious attitude of consumers to the choice of food products, in particular meat and meat products, is determined. In the course of the study, it was found that the perceived characteristics of the product quality and evaluated by the consumer at each purchase are analyzed and transformed taking into account his personal characteristics. The basis of product perception is the brand or manufacturer, which acts as a guarantor of quality.
meat and meat products, consumer preferences, perceived value of the product, quality, marketing research
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