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Abstract (English):
In this scientific work, the author briefly analyzes the features of assessing the relevance and reliability of information about real estate objects contained in the USRN. To this end, the author briefly characterizes the USRN as a special set of documentary data, considers the essence of such characteristics as relevance and reliability. Further, the author focuses on the problems of assessing the relevance and reliability, examines some tools to eliminate this problem. In the conclusion of the scientific work, the author also writes that in recent years there has been a decrease in statistical indicators for irrelevant and unreliable information in the USRN. The object of the study is the features of assessing the relevance and reliability of information about real estate objects contained in the USRN. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of the features of assessing the relevance and reliability of information about real estate objects contained in the USRN. Research methods: formal-legal, comparative analysis, dialectical, generalization, specification, systematization, deduction, other methods of theoretical and practical levels of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the features of assessing the relevance and reliability of information about real estate objects contained in the USRN. This scientific article will thus be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and faculty of economic and other areas of training, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the problems and prospects of assessing the relevance and reliability of information about real estate objects contained in the USRN.

unified state register of real estate, problems, relevance, reliability, real estate objects, general characteristics, errors
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