Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the analysis of key indicators characterizing the development of the protected soil vegetable growing industry in the Central Asian Republic. Based on the analysis carried out, exponential forecasting of changes in key indicators of the vegetable growing industry for a three-year period was carried out. An integrated score assessment of the categorization of the regions of the region under consideration according to the dynamics of the development of protected soil vegetable growing was carried out. The priority branch of the protected soil vegetable farming has been established, the features of its functioning at various stages of the production cycle have been determined, provided that the desire for an expanded type of reproduction is realized. The current measures of state and regional support for producers of vegetable products are analyzed, the specifics of providing such support measures are established, a process flaw regarding the organization of the production cycle is revealed when attracting state support measures at the stage its implementation. A hypothesis has been put forward about the possibility of improving state support by distributing it differently relative to the production cycle. Based on the analysis, specific ways have been identified for the implementation of scientific research to determine the features of the functioning of specialized vegetable growing enterprises and further develop methods for integrating such features with government support to form an effective concept for improving the state development of protected soil vegetable growing.

protected soil vegetable growing, forecast of vegetable growing development, state regulation, greenhouse farms, improvement of state support
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