Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the role and importance of rural areas in the country's economy. Data on the dynamics of the number of both urban and rural populations are presented. The importance of implementing the concept of introducing "Smart villages" as one of the ways to solve the problem of rural depopulation is considered. This is relevant both from the point of view of the need to modernize and increase the competitiveness of agricultural production, and taking into account the geographical features of territories and different population densities in different regions of the country. The main interpretations of the concept of "smart village" using foreign sources are highlighted, as well as the basic principles of the concept of "smart village" are highlighted. As an example of the implementation of the concept, the domestic and foreign experience of the functioning of "smart villages" is given. The main technologies introduced in the implementation of the "smart village" concept are considered and organizational and managerial recommendations are proposed for the further effective development of "smart" rural areas.

rural population, territorial development, rural areas, socio – economic infrastructure, digital technologies, smart village, rural area
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