Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of research into the dynamics of forest fires in the Republic of Buryatia, based on data obtained from remote sensing of the Earth (RSE). A comparison of statistical indicators characterizing the forest resources of the Republic of Buryatia with similar data for the Far Eastern Federal District and the Russian Federation demonstrates the significant role of forests in the region, particularly given the high proportion of protective and water protection forests in their overall structure. During the 1990s, forest fires were relatively infrequent and limited in extent. At the beginning of the 21st century, forest fires emerged as a significant factor influencing the condition of the forest resources of the Republic of Buryatia. The analysis of data regarding forest fires between the years 1990 and 2023 led to the creation of a ranking system, which identified six distinct groups of districts based on the extent of damage to the forest fund resulting from the occurrence of these fires. The periods during which the forests were most severely damaged by forest fires were identified. The districts of the republic where forest fires have occurred on an annual basis for an extended period of time were identified. The Mukhorshibirsky district, selected as a model territory, demonstrated the potential of remote sensing of the Earth for monitoring the dynamics of post-fire regrowth. It was determined that the conjunction of the existing natural and climatic conditions, coupled with the intensification of anthropogenic activity in the context of institutional shifts in forestry and the chronic underfunding of firefighting, has led to an increase in the extent of forest fires in specific regions of the republic. Significant differences were observed between the various districts of the republic with regard to the extent of forest areas affected by fires. The northern districts of Buryatia were the most severely affected by forest fires. The proposed periodization of forest fires confirms the strong influence of the anthropogenic factor on forest flammability. The studies demonstrate a range of potential applications for the use of RSE in the assessment of the state and dynamics of the forest resources, as well as and the impact of forest fires on it.

forest resources, forest fund, monitoring, remote sensing of the Earth (RSE), forest fires, natural and climatic conditions, ranking
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