Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the assessment of farmland on the investment attractiveness of the enterprise, as the land is a unique natural resource and occupies a key place in the entire system of agricultural activity. It is important to know how well agricultural land is valued because agricultural enterprises are perplexed by increasing their productivity, profitability and competitiveness. They need to use the assessment of agricultural land, as the main means of production of the agro-industrial complex, to justify the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

agricultural land, market value, cadastral value, investment attractiveness
The article discusses the assessment of farmland on the investment attractiveness of the enterprise, as the land is a unique natural resource and occupies a key place in the entire system of agricultural activity. It is important to know how well agricultural land is valued because agricultural enterprises are perplexed by increasing their productivity, profitability and competitiveness. They need to use the assessment of agricultural land, as the main means of production of the agro-industrial complex, to justify the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

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