Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research paper examines the specifics of project management in the digital transformation of commercial organizations and enterprises, while providing a detailed description of the development of modern business, taking into account the current provisions of management; digital transformation is an integral part of entrepreneurship, affecting different industries and modifying traditional production, organizational, logical and trading processes; with the advent of automation of work tasks, the introduction of artificial intelligence programs, cloud services and blockchain transactions, project management has acquired a new meaning; in order to improve the performance of enterprises and commercial organizations, it is important to use modern technologies correctly, managing large amounts of data, making the right decisions in business – this requires an effective model of project activity control in new conditions; The study presents the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the hypothesis of the need for a redistribution of functionality, assessment of the competencies of digital tools, managers and the project team to apply all the possibilities of digital management.

project management, digital transformation, automation, enterprises, companies, business, entrepreneurship, digital management, project activities, distribution of functionality, information and communication technologies
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